This joy is recalled by me when I hear the even deeper (and more Godlike?) voice of Thurl Ravenscroft. I am sure many of you would recognize this voice as the voice of Tony "They're Grrrrreat!" Tiger... Of course this is still when Tony Tiger was cool looking and not the big steroid-infused feline he is now. It is also when Kellogg's was OK with calling them SUGAR Frosted Flakes!
For those of you who think you only know Mr. Ravenscroft from this, think harder...
He is also the singer of one of the greatest insult songs of all times, "You're A Mean One Mr. Grinch. His work on voices in movies, theme parks and records for Disney alone is amazing. While reading the entries for Thurl on Wikipedia or IMDB, you are sure to say to yourself multiple times, "Wow! That was him too?"
A great Thurl site can be found here...
and the amazing New Jersey station WFMU has a great write-up and an amazing archive of
But I'll leave you with one more video... actually just the audio for "Asleep In The Deep," it has an example of Thurl at his lowest and deepest.
While I wouldn't consider his voice the voice of an angel, it is better. It is more like the voice of God singing in the shower.

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